Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A New Craft Each Day

Day by Day  Crafting!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, or better said, when a part of your life is taken; adapt.  This became my motto when a virus suddenly attacked my heart and left me disabled.  One day I was healthy, full of life, dedicated to my teaching, the next; huddled, fetal, lost and lonely.  This is not to complain, God is good, and such is life, but circumstance changes life. I picked up the pieces of what use to be and began creating my new normal.  Because I was not employable anymore, I became "employed" in my own creativity.  Every day for me is a new day, a new craft, and a new adventure. 
My house is now an overgrown craft room with every tool, every scrap, every idea I can possibly print gracing my furniture and floors.  To satisfy what lacks in my physical world, I have built my own little craft world, and now I am sharing it all with you.  Every day I will post something new.  Be it a craft, a piece of jewelry, or a gift from nature's garden, I will share the endless possibilities day by day.

Today I begin a craft for the day. 

Have a craft, project, or website you'd like to feature? We have a website set up just for you.  Display your crafts for free.

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